The website belongs to STATICE SAS, a French Limited Liability Company with a capital of € 200,000.00, with their Head Offices at n°9 Rue Thomas Edison, 25000, Besançon, France; registered at the Besançon Companies House (RCS), France, under n° B 312 058 605.
Development of the website
Amenothès Conception – Website development
n° 11 Rue Christiaan Huygens
25000 Besançon, France.
Data protection
Under the Data Protection Act n° 78-17 dated 6th January 1978 pertaining to freedom of information and data protection, you are informed that you have a right to access, amend, or remove any information concerning you. If you wish to, please write to STATICE who will make the corresponding changes.
Contact details: The data and information retrieved following a contact through our website or directly, will not be forwarded to any third parties. However, under the Data Protection Act, you are notified that your answers are optional, and not answering any part of the contact details will not incur any liability whatsoever on your behalf, however, you need to provide us with a minimum amount of information in order for us to understand your requirements.
Counterfeiting or product reproduction
Any reproduction or representation, whether partial or in full, for any purposes whatsoever, is forbidden and protected by applicable International Laws on Intellectual Property. Any use or abuse of any part of this website will be considered as counterfeiting and may lead to Civil or Criminal prosecution. All information herein is non-contractual and may be subject to changes or amendments without prior notification.